NeuStem™ Cell Helper

NeuStem™ Cell Helper
The New NeuStem™ Cell Helper Product is a 750 mg. 2 per day capsule that is more concentrated in Phycocyanin and also includes Beta Glucan and other important ingredients like Fulvic acid, Trimethylglycine, AFA, Vitamin C and Vitamin D. It will be sold in the network for $60 plus $6.95 S&H. For the next two months, on a pre buy basis, it will be marketed at $45 plus S&H of $6.95. That means you will wait until it's ready to ship...but by doing so, you will be the first to obtain it. We are doing a 1000 bottle run, so this could get sold out quickly. We consider Vita-Stim head and shoulders above anything else for stem cell nutrition. But the New NeuStem™ Cell Helper Product goes even beyond even that. It is not meant to replace Vita-Stim Concentrate, but rather to make available even more powerful options when needed.
**These statements have not been approved by the US Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease.

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